Nažalost, Somali Yacht Club je primoran otkazati cijelu turneju, pa tako i ovaj zagrebački koncert. Psychlona ostaje u planu, a njima ćemo pridružiti još dva lokalna benda. Info o povratu ulaznica, novim cijenama ulaznica i svemu ostalom javljamo sutra. Evo kompletnog statementa benda:
“Hi everyone, as some of you might have already seen, many Ukrainian bands had to cancel their spring tour recently. With all regret we have to say – we are no exception. The war Russia wages on our country is still on, and we still have a martial law in place which means difficult times for men to leave the country. Recently the rules for getting the permission to temporary leave have become more strict and we are unable to collect all the necessary documents in time and even if so – wouldn’t have a guarantee to be granted a permit. This means we have to cancel our shows on tour with Psychlona this May. We will come back as soon as it becomes possible. Peace!”
Psychlona je bend nastao u Bradfordu u ljeto 2016. kad su se okupili momci iz raznih bendova i započeli ovu vrlo zanimljivu priču. Njihov zvuk može se objasniti kao mješavina punk i desert rocka, uz prstohvat hard rocka i psihodelije 60-ih i 70-ih. I sve ono između. Dosad su izdali tri vrlo zapažena albuma: Mojo Rising (2018.), Venus Skytrip (2020.) i najaktualniji Palo Verde koji je svjetlo dana ugledao u kolovozu 2022. Njemu je Powerplay Magazine dao ocjenu 10/10.