Album ‘All In: Unreleased & Rarities (The New West Years)’ izlazi 9. kolovoza.

New West Records najavio je novu kompilaciju glazbe Justina Townesa Earlea. Album “All In: Unreleased & Rarities (The New West Years)” izlazi 9. kolovoza. Kao što naslov sugerira, album sadrži dosad neobjavljene snimke pokojnog kantautora. Uz najavu puštena je i Earleova obrada pjesme “Dreams” grupe Fleetwood Mac.
Justin Townes Earle, sin kantautora Stevea Ealea, preminuo je u kolovozu 2020. u dobi od 38 godina. U svibnju 2019. objavio je posljednji album svog života, “The Saint of Lost Causes“.
‘All In: Unreleased & Rarities (The New West Years)’, popis pjesama:
01 Cold Comfort
02 Already Gone
03 I Know You
04 Troubled Eyes
05 Lonely Mornings
06 All or Nothing
07 If I Was the Devil (Demo)
08 Champagne Corolla (Live on SiriusXM)
09 So Different Blues (Live on SiriusXM)
10 Dreams
11 Rocket 88
12 The Saint of Lost Causes (Demo)
13 Appalachian Nightmare (Demo)
14 Appalachian Nightmare
15 Over Alameda (Demo)
16 Over Alameda
17 Glory Days
18 Far From Me
19 Graceland