Povodom obilježavanja 10 godina od izlaska albuma ‘Elephant’ bit će objavljen live album The White Stripesa naziva ‘Nine Miles From The White City’.

“Nine Miles From The White City“ u obliku dvostrukog vinila s 26 pjesma ugledat će svjetlo dana kroz Thrid Man Records, label Jacka Whitea. Snimljeni koncert bio je održan u Aragorn Ballroomu u Chicagu 2003. godine, a na popisu odsviranih pjesama su i obrade Boba Dylana i Captaina Beefhearta.
Album predstavlja obilježavanje 10 godina od izdavanja „Elephanta“ The White Stripesa, a također će sadržavati sedam-inčne demo verzije pjesama „I Want to Be the Boy to Warm Your Mother’s Hear“ i „Little Acorns“ kao i fotogrfije sa sessiona koje je tada snimio David Swanson.
Popis pjesama s albuma “Nine Miles From The White City“:
‘When I Hear My Name’
‘Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground’
‘Love Sick’ (Bob Dylan cover)
‘Hotel Yorba’
‘Cool Drink of Water Blues’ (Tommy Johnson cover)
‘The Hardest Button To Button’
‘I Want to Be The Boy To Warm Your Mother’s Heart’
‘Stones in My Passway’ (Robert Johnson cover)
‘Stop Breakin’ Down’ (Robert Johnson cover)
‘In the Cold, Cold Night’
‘Seven Nation Army’
‘The Same Boy You’ve Always Known’
‘Black Jack Davey’
‘We Are Going to Be Friends’
‘Offend in Every Way’
‘Little Cream Soda’
‘Cannon/’Party Of Special Things To Do’ (Captain Beefheart cover)
‘Candy Cane Children’
‘The Air Near My Fingers’
‘Screwdriver’ (tease)
‘Ball And Biscuit’
‘Screwdriver’ (reprise)
‘Let’s Build a Home’
‘Goin’ Back to Memphis’ (Henry & June cover)