Stranica The Open Reel To Reel je na Facebooku objavila aminirani film živahnosti prvih 10 mjesta najprodavanijih albuma i umjetnika gledano kronološki u posljednjih 40 godina.

Kako navode iz The Open Reel To Reel podaci u animiranom filmu korišteni su iz službenih izvora agencija RIAA i IFPI, te izvješća diskografskih kompanija. Brojke su prodanih nosača zvuka odnoste se na cijeli svijet i ugođene su na godišnji prosjek.
Noviji podaci uključuju i digitalnu prodaju po podacima online prodajnih i streaming servisa.
Kako se navodi na The Open Reel To Reel; nisu očekivali da će video izazvati veliku popularnost. Dosad je pregledan više od 20 milijuna puta.
The Best Selling Music Albums and Artists 1969 – 2019
The Best Selling Music Albums and Artists 1969 – 2019Timeline history of most popular music artists from 1969 to 2019 ranked by yearly certified record sales. Numbers are worldwide and adjusted to twelve months trailing average.Recent years data includes digital singles sales as reported by online music retailers and streaming services. This data aggregates multiple sources and can serve as popularity indicator across different medias such as album sales, radio broadcasting, digital copies sales and online streaming frequency.Data source: RIAA, IFPI, record companies.All credits and created by: Data Is BeautifulThis channel is my passion project taking us on a fun trip down memory lane together so we can relive the colorful events we all experienced. I am a first-year PhD student, data geek, who enjoys making visualizations as a hobby. I stumble upon numerous data while I research and I'm happy to share it with you. I read every suggestion you guys post. I appreciate your contributions!People looking to steal my content: I'm the most pro-sharing type of person. I believe in information being public and accessible. I spend most of my daily hours, working hard digging for interesting data sets. If you want to use my videos elsewhere for educational purposes, drop me a line. For any other usage, you can embed the YouTube player. I am alerted about stolen videos every day thanks to my subscribers. I am actively submitting copyright infringements on YT, FB, IG. Sad.I encourage you to search for interesting data and create your own unique videos. You'll find it can be fun and rewarding 🙂
Gepostet von Open Reel To Reel am Montag, 4. November 2019