‘Electronica Vol 2: The Heart of Noise’ nastavak je albuma ‘Electronica Vol. 1: The Time Machine’.

Kao i na prethodnom albumu, Jean-Michel Jarre i na “Electronica Vol. 1: The Time Machine” ima cijeli spektar zanimljivih suradnji. Među ostalima gostuju: Pet Shop Boys, Gary Numan, Cyndi Lauper, Hans Zimmer i Julia Holter.
Album je posvećen talijanskom skladatelju i graditelju ekspertimentalnih glazbala, Luigiu Russolu. Uz album je Jean-Michel Jarre najavio i turneju.
Popis pjesama i suradnji:
The Heart of Noise Pt. 1: JM Jarre & Rone
The Heart of Noise Pt. 2: JM Jarre
Brick England: JM Jarre & Pet Shop Boys
As One: JM Jarre & Primal Scream
Exit – JM Jarre & E.S
These Creatures: JM Jarre & Julia Holter
Here For You: JM Jarre & Gary Numan
The Architect: JM Jarre & Jeff Mills
What You Want: JM Jarre & Peaches
Circus: JM Jarre & Siriusmo
Why This, Why That, Why: JM Jarre & Yello
Switch On Leon: JM Jarre & The Orb
Gisele: JM Jarre & Sebastien Tellier
Electrees: JM Jarre & Hans Zimmer
Swipe To The Right: JM Jarre & Cyndi Lauper
Walking The Mile: JM Jarre & Christophe
Falling Down: JM Jarre
The Heart of Noise (The Origin): JM Jarre
Saznajte više: Jean-Michel Jarre ‘Electronica 1 – The Time Machine’ – prava sonična avantura